Sunday, January 20, 2019

Making Money with your Mini Crab Dolly!

Over the years I've received many emails on how were able to generate income with our Colortran Mini-Crab Dolly. You may have seen some older posts of my son Adam and I using our Mini-Crab for MMA fights, etc. 

I found the price list (below) that Adam and I used in the Cleveland, Ohio area. We also offered a Jib, using a Camera Turret Model 300 that we included in our grip package. Sure the equipment has changed, but whether your using a RED One or a digital SLR system, the creator of the project will still need smooth tracking shots, etc.

You can certainly tailor your price list to include the equipment you have and the type of grip service you wish to offer. Your market may be stronger than the Cleveland area. I hear Seattle, New York City, Chicago and Miami have a lot of ongoing independent projects. 

Once you create your price list, be sure to send it to all the independent producers and ad agencies in your area. I'm hoping this may help to generate some work for you! Let me know of any other ideas we can share with our fellow Mini-Crab owners. Use your mouse and click on this price list to enlarge.


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